

Research Interests

Organizational Change, Employee Voice, Social Movements in Organizations, Relationships at Work, Qualitative Methods

Papers Under Review

Kessinger, Raquel. Speak Up, But Not on That: Employee Activism as an Unintended Consequence of Bounding Psychological Safety by Topic (Submitted to ORGANIZATION SCIENCE.)

Working Papers

Kessinger, Raquel, Kellogg, Katherine, & Rothbard, Nancy. Orchestrating and Enacting “Coddling Work”: How New Performance Management Technologies May Increase Managerial Workloads. (Preparing to Submit to JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY.)

Kessinger, Raquel. Making Movements and Engaging in Noisy Exits: How Employees Repurpose Internal Communications Tools for Activism. (Manuscript, Revising).

Kessinger, Raquel. Employee Activism and Its Aftermath: How Employee Activists Frame Leadership Responses and Build Future Capacity (Manuscript, Revising).

Works in Progress

Kessinger, Raquel & McDonnell, Mary Hunter. What Factors Influence an Employee’s Decision to Engage in Activism? A Review and Research Agenda. (Drafting).

Kessinger, Raquel & Lee, Matthew*. How Participating in Employee Activist Movements Impacts Employee Careers. (Early-Stage Data Collection).

Kessinger, Raquel, Cameron, Lindsey, & Smith, Leticia. How Elite Veterans Experience Career Transitions. (Early-Stage Data Collection).